Jesus, the true God - Shora Kuetu

Good evening brothers and sisters on TV and Radio2vie, it is 20h45 local time, time of Paris. We are live on TV and Radio2vie. Thank you for your presence. Thank you for your prayers. We are really joyful to know that the lord is working and that many people are delivered, healed, restored. Souls are set free. And that the kingdom of the Lord is filling up, more and more young people precisely give their lives to the Lord. Let all the glory be given to the Lord.

Father in the name of Yehoshua, we are praying to you tonight, we give you our hearts again, we give you this broadcast. We want to see you elevated, Lord, elevated forever. Thank you again for this beautiful day of youth that we have lived, that we have experienced. Thank you for these young men and women that you touch. May all the glory come to you father. Thank you for your children who are connected tonight. In the name of Yehoshua we pray you God of Israel, God of host. Amen !

 Good evening everybody.

 God is good.

 Without wasting time we are going to take the scriptures. We are on the return of Yehoshua in Isaiah chapter 35. We bless the Lord for this thirst that you have and we are convinced that our generation is the one that will see the return of the Lord. When we see what is happening in the world, when we see what is happening in churches, when we see what is happening in the Middle East. We can only admit, recognize that the Lord is returning.

Isaiah 35: 1 the wilderness and the barren place shall be in joy; the solitary place will rejoice and flourish like a rose. 2 He will blossom abundantly, and rejoice, rejoicing and singing in triumph. The glory of Lebanon is given to him, with the magnificence of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of Yahweh and the magnificence of our God. 3 Strengthen the loose hands and strengthen the trembling knees. 4 Say to those with troubled hearts: Take heart, and be not afraid; Here is your God, vengeance will come, the retribution of God; He will come and deliver you.

 The Word is clear

 Take hearts and do not be afraid; here is your God.

 The one who is supposed to come Yehoshua is presented as our God.

 Brothers, sisters the scriptures announce us that there is only one God. We are told of the desert, the arid lands, and we are told that the glory of the Lord will be revealed. We are in a generation where true Christians are waiting for the return of the Mashiah.

We are tired of the condition of our present churches. We are tired of the problems that the world is facing, the earth: Economic problems, political problems, climatic problems and all these problem testify to us that Yehoshua is coming back. And Isaiah, prophet of Yahweh in the height century before Jesus Christ, prophesied, gave this prophetic word to those men who were waiting for the Mashiah. He asks them to be strengthened, to be fortified. He says : « take hearts here is your God ».

Brothers, sisters, there is one God! Even though there are beings that want to present themselves as gods but for us there is only one God. And we are told here that God himself will come, it is not someone else.

Isaiah tells us that he will come himself and will save us so he who is coming it is to save us that he is coming. He will judge our enemies and he will save us who are waiting for him. Listen very well! Isaiah says that he will come himself so God will not send anybody to save us, He himself will come and He who is coming, this God has a name, and his name is Jesus.

Look Isaiah 40. The word of God is worthy of trust. We are in Isaiah 40:10 there is the eternal God coming with power. We are told that He who is coming is the Lord, in Hebrew it is Adonai. We are told that it is Adonai who is coming. And in Isaiah 35 we saw that it is God himself who is coming, he himself Elohim who is coming. So Isaiah 35 says that it is Elohim who is coming in Isaiah 40 he says it is Adonai who is coming and also at the same time The Eternal who is coming. Yahweh who is coming so He who is coming is called Adonai, Lord, God Elohim and, my friends, Eternal Yahweh. So He himself is coming.

Brothers, Sisters listen very well the Word. We did not say that he will send someone else, we did not say he will send a prophet that he will send an Apostle He himself is coming. The Word cannot lie to us. And it says « There is the Lord Eternal coming ». How is he coming? « With power ». He is coming with power, he is coming with power, with authority. I repeat myself again He who is coming is called God Elohim, he is called Adonai the Lord, he is also called Eternal Yahweh. It is He Yahweh who is coming with power. We are in agreement with what is written. We are in agreement with the word of God. It is God himself who is coming.

We continue to go on. We will realize that it is God himself who is coming to save us.

We are in Zechariah chapter 14. Lord thank you for your word.

Zechariah 14:1 there is, the day of the Lord arrives...

And the word tells us in verse 3 Yahweh will appear and he will fight the nations. And in verse 4 we are told « His feet will stand in that day on mount Olives… ». He who is coming is Yahweh himself and we are told that his feet will stand on mount Olives. So Yahweh has feet, and it is he who is coming. In verse 9 we are told Yahweh will be king of the whole heart. We are informed that Yahweh who is coming is also a King, king over the whole earth.

Brothers and Sisters but who is coming? Well it is Yahweh! But who is coming? It is the King of Kings!

Because we are told that he will be king over the whole earth. There is no other king than that King.

And look what Revelation 19 says.

We are told that Yahweh who is coming is a King of the whole earth.

Oh God you are great. God, you are the almighty.

It is said in Revelation 19:16 on his garment and on his tight was a name written: King of kings and Lord of Lords.

But who is called King of kings and Lords of Lords?

Verse 11 : then I saw heaven opened, and behold, appeared a white horse. He who was upon it is called faithful and true, and he judges and fights with justice.

The word tells us in verse 13 and he was clothed with a garment tainted with blood. His name is the word of God. He who is coming is called King of kings and Lord of lords. So If the Eternal is King of the whole earth therefore there is no other above him so that Eternal is no one else than the one who is presented here. The one who is called faithful and true. His name is the word of God and it is he the Eternal.

Brothers and Sisters, what is his name? We are going to see it brothers and sisters.

We are going forward to present the true God who is coming. There is your God.

Revelation 1:7 there, he is coming with clouds…

Isaiah says he is coming, Revelation also says he is coming… But who is coming?

We are told that “And every eye shall see him, even those who have pierced him…”

We are told that Yahweh was pierced. Yahweh was pierced. Yahweh was pierced. And all the tribes of the earth will lament because of him. Yes. Amen !

My friends, we are going in Zechariah 12.

We are told that Yahweh was pierced and it is He who is coming.

Zechariah 12:10 so I will pour on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication, and they will turn their eyes toward me, He they have pierced…

That is his name! Jesus is Yahweh, Jesus is the one who is coming. And we are told that Yahweh was pierced so there is not two Gods, there is not three Gods, it is not trinity, it is the only one true God who is returning and his name is Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus means Yahweh is Salvation. And it is Yahweh who was pierced. Revelation 1:7 tells us that even those who pierced him shall see him and Zechariah 12 tells us that those who pierced his will recognize him. They will cry. They will repent and they will accept him, it is He the true God, Jesus of Nazareth. My friends, we are told that his feet will stand on mount olives.

We are in Acts chapter 1.

God is so strong. Jesus is coming brethren. Let us prepare ourselves for his return.

Acts chapter 1:11 and say: Galileans men, why are you standing looking up the sky? This Jesus…

This Jesus, This Jesus…

… Who was taken up in the sky among you, will come the same way that you have seen him going up. So they returned to Jerusalem, from the mountain called mount Olives.

Jesus ascended up to heaven from mount Olives and angels said he will come at the same place and Zechariah tells us that his feet will stand on mount Olives so Jesus is the Eternal, Jesus is the Almighty.

 We go back in Revelation chapter 1 brothers.

 We love the word, we are in love with the word. The word is the word. I love the pure Gospel.

 Look what the word says brothers. We want to present to you the true God.

 We are in Revelation chapter 1:7 to 8 there, he is coming with clouds…

 The clouds is us brothers. Hebrews 12 tells us that we are surrounded by a great number of witness, the clouds.  The clouds are the saints, the saints in the glory.

 The Bible says in verse 8, this is Jesus talking « I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the lord God... »

 He presents himself has Adonai and Elohim. Jesus presents himself as God and Elohim, Adonai just like in Isaiah that we saw. My friends, He presents himself also as the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last. And the Bible let us say presents him as the one who is, who was and who is to come. I ask you a question: who is coming? Who is coming ? Who are we waiting for?

 “And the spirit and the bride say: come. »

So He who is coming is Jesus. How does he present himself here? The last sentence: The almighty. The almighty. Jesus Christ presents himself as El-Shaddai.

 In Genesis 17 he said to Abram « I am the Almighty God be upright and walk before my face ».

 Jesus presents himself as El-Shaddai. He is not a small God, he is not a half God. Jesus, God is our father. The Almighty God. It is not the trinity, it is the revelation of the true God. You will know the true and the truth shall set you free. Brethren. This is the Gospel. Let us come back to the word, let us come back to the true Gospel He presents himself as the one who is. Brethren listen very well in Hebrew the past and the present does not exist, there is not past and present time, it does not exist. That is why God is the only one who presents himself as “I AM”  In Hebrew there is no verb to be or to have. The verb to be and to have do not exist, there is no past, and the present does not exist. So when God presents himself as « The I AM » it is not the verb to be it is his name. It is his name. Why, « I AM » ? It is to show us that he is the one who is: the present, the one who was: the past and the one who is to come the future. So he wants to say that « the past, the present and the future is in Jesus ». What does it mean? Jesus is the only one able to go in your past and set you free, from your past sins. He is able to travel in time, He is the only one able to make the time traveling, to go in your past where your ancestors buried you, to go set you free from the family ties and ancestral ties. He is the only one able to fight your enemies today. He is the only one able to guaranty your future, to guaranty your eternity and all that in Jesus. That is why he is presented as the one who is, it is the present, that it is the present.

 He is the same ! Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.

 So you see that Hebrew 13:8 tells us Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, when is yesterday? Before the Eternity!

 Yesterday is before the creation, yesterday is the one who was, Jesus of Nazareth. The one who is, it is now.

 « Today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts »

 That is why he said to one of the evildoers “today you will be with me in Paradis”

 He is the one who is, it is today, he wants to save you today.  He wants to heal you today. I love the word!

 That is the true God. That is the true Lord, your God Jesus of Nazareth. The Almighty God, the King of nations, he will reign upon the whole earth. He defeated the devil, he defeated witches. I live the word, I love the Gospel. He is the one who is, the one who was, the one who is to come, the Almighty.  We comprehend why the Lamb of God has seven horns. The horns represent the authority, the number seven tell us of absolute so Yehoshua is the Almighty. The people who will know their God will act will assurance.

 It is essential to know God.

We are in Revelation chapter 4: 8 the four living beings each have six wings, and they are filled with eyes all around and within. They do not cease to say day and night: Holy, holy, holy is Adonai, the Almighty God, who was, who is, and who is coming!
The four living beings do not cease to say day and night, holy, holy, holy is the God Almighty. The Lord who was, this is Jesus, who is, it is Jesus, who is coming, it is Jesus. So we learn here that the four living beings who have eyes outside and inside have the knowledge, the eyes are knowledge and they have known.They understood that this Jesus is the Almighty, He is the one who has to be worshipped and they worshipped him.

 Let us go see in Isaiah chapter 6.

Brothers and Sisters we are in the Gospel, we want to demonstrate by the Spirit of God that Jesus is the God who is coming, Jesus is the true God.

 In the year of King Uzziah's death, I saw the Lord sitting on a very high throne.

 Adonai, sitting on his throne, it is the only elevated throne.

« ... and the skirt of his robe filled the temple. Seraphims stood above him; each had six wings ; Two of which they covered their faces, two of which they covered their feet, and two of which they used to flight. And they cried one to another, saying, holy, holy, holy is Yahweh of hosts. The whole earth is full of his glory! »

You see brothers and sisters that Seraphims, Cherubims do not cease to adore Jesus. Holy, holy, holy, the one who was, who is and who is to come because the one who is coming is Jesus, he is coming to rapture us. He is the true God. So the angels adore him, the Seraphims adore him. Holy, holy, holy triple saint! He is holy like the father, he is holy like the son, he is holy like the Holy Spirit it is he the true God.  And his name is Jesus of Nazareth.

I love the word, I love the Gospel Brothers and Sisters.

 We are in 1 Thessalonians.

 The pure Gospel, the true Gospel. God is so good, God of glory. 

 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5: 1 as to times and moments, you do not need, brethren, that we write you. For you know well that the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night.

The day of Lord. The day of the Lord. Which Lord ? There is only one Lord: Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Lord of glory.

Adonai will come as a thief. He said to the apostles, "I will come again, and I will take you that where I am you may also be there.” Jesus of Nazareth is the true God.

 Tonight, I wanted, driven by the Spirit of course, that you know that the one who is coming is Adonai himself. And his name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. All those who pierced him will see him, they will see him and many will repent. Brothers, sisters, he is Almighty. Do you realize, my friends, the true God has often been hidden from us. We were hidden the true God. And times are difficult. The Lord is coming back, brothers and sisters, he is coming back to take us, he said “So that where I am you also be there”.
 We are in Revelation 15.

O God is great, O God is wonderful!

Revelation 15: 3 and they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Thy works are great and admirable, O God Almighty! Thy ways are righteous and true, King of nations!

King of the nations! Do you realize brothers and sisters? He is called the King of Nations. Who is this king of nations? Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
We are told that he is the Almighty God that means Adonai, Jesus presents himself as Adonai.

 Adonai our Lord, our God. Oh may our God be blessed! May God be blessed!

 Revelation chapter 21: 5 and he that sat on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said, Write; for these words are certain and true. And he said to me, "It is done! I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end...
 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

 Who is the Alpha and the Omega? The Almighty. Brothers and Sisters, which God are you looking for still?

We are in Isaiah 42:8 I AM Yahweh, that is my name; and I will not give my glory to anyone, neither my honor to idols.

This is God saying that brethren. He says “My name is Yahweh”.

Isaiah 43 :11 it is me, me who is  Yahweh, and beside me there is no other savior.

However, Jesus is the savior of nations, the only savior. Yahweh said “Beside me there is no other savior”.

 He is saying that « It is me who is announced, predicted, it is not among you a foreign god… ».

 verse 13 I AM from the beginning…

 Brothers and Sisters what else do you want? What else do you want brethren?

 We are in Isaiah 44:6 so says the Eternal, King of Israel and his redeemer, Eternal of hosts: I AM the first and the last.

 But it is him Yehoshua. He is the first and the last…

 … and beside me there is no other God.

 But it is clear brothers and sisters.

Verse 8 Do not be afraid, nor tremble; Have I not announced and declared it to you for a long time? You are my witnesses: Is there any other God besides me? There is no other rock, I know of none.

 The Eternal says that he does not know any other rock. There is no other rocks.

 And we are in 1 Corinthians 10.

God says there are no other rocks and in 1 Corinthians 10:4 and they all drank the same spiritual drink, for they drank from a spiritual rock that followed them, and that rock was Christ. God says that he knows no other rocks and if Christ is not God himself, if Jesus is not the Father Himself it is that God has lied to us. There cannot be two rocks.

 He said to Peter “And I tell you that you are Peter and that on this Rock I will build my church”.

 The one who sustain you is Yahweh, the one who is your foundation is Yahweh. No one can shake you up, no one can destroy you that is the message. And he is coming. My friends, God is so strong. Finish religion for the children of God, finish confusion! God removes his people from religion because he gives them the revelation of himself. Many Christians who are truly seeking God will meet the Lord and they will come out of the traditions of Man. You will come out of those buildings, of those cemeteries to go toward the groom. There is the groom! There is the groom! That is the Gospel that is the message brothers and sisters. Jesus is coming back. Tonight, I just wanted to exhort you, to present to you the true God. That is the message brethren. Oh tithing is not the message. “Oh money, give money and you will be blessed”. That is not the message.

 Brethren, the return of Jesus is the message that we have to bring today.

 Our groom is coming, let us sanctify ourselves, and let us prepare ourselves.

 It is said in Revelation 22 verse 17 and the Spirit and the bride say: come!

Come ! That's the cry. " Lord, come, we are waiting for you, we want to go with you, we want to stay with you, we want to eat with you, we want to serve you in heaven, we want to stay with you in heaven. »

That's the gospel brothers. We have been told too much about the earth, we have been told too much about money, we have been spoken too much about the buildings of churches, we have spoken too much about apostles, we have been told too much about prophets. That's not the message, it's Jesus. Morning Jesus, at noon Jesus, at night Jesus, at midnight Jesus, during the night Jesus, Monday Jesus, Tuesday Jesus, Wednesday Jesus, Thursday Jesus, Friday Jesus, Saturday Jesus, Sunday Jesus.

 January Jesus, March Jesus, April Jesus, May Jesus, June Jesus, July Jesus, August Jesus, September Jesus, October Jesus, November Jesus, December Jesus. Everywhere Jesus! That's the gospel brothers.

He heals, he saves, he restores, he is beautiful, he is Almighty, he is the Lamb, he is the Lion, he is the Way, and he is the Perfume. (...) he conquered Satan, he conquered the devil, he conquered the demons and His blood is perfect.

He is the Lion, he is the cornerstone, he is the bread of life, he is the water of life, he is the precious blood, and he is the garment par excellence ... he is ALL! Jesus of Nazareth! That's the Gospel, that's the message.

Finish confusion ! He is the Apostle by excellence, he is the door of the sheep, and he is the sword of the word... That is

 Let us come back to this message centered on Jesus, centered on Christ alone. Brothers we do not have another Gospel other than the Gospel based on Jesus of Nazareth. He is the angel of the Eternal, he is Melchizedek, and he is the messenger of the new covenant. Let us take his path, the king of nations is coming back.

 God is so strong!

I see a race of young people who are beginning to rise in prayer, a race in the nations, men and women who cannot corrupt themselves. They are passionate about Jesus of Nazareth, they are in love with Jesus of Nazareth and they serve him night and day in fasting and prayers in the name of Yehoshua.He changed my life, he changes my life, and he has confounded my enemies who were waiting for my death. God shut their mouths.
I can only serve him brethren in the name of Yehoshua. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
When I see what happened just now with youth, all these young people I can only bless my God, when I see the work that he is doing, I can only bless my God.

Brethren God is so strong and his name is Jesus Christ. He is father, son and Holy Spirit. He does whatever he wants, he is illimitable, and we cannot limit him. God is wonderful! 
