
Atheism - society - Dokimos n°23

The divinity of Christ (Shora Kuetu)

The liberty in Christ (Adele Folliot)

Taking care of God's work (Shora KUETU - 23/12/17)

School of God - Poitiers (Shora KUETU - 29/12/17)

The Church, Light of the World (Shora KUETU - 16/12/17)

Follow peace with all men (Shora KUETU - 02/12/17)

Freedom (Shora KUETU - 18/11/17)

Standing before Yahweh (Shora KUETU - 04/11/17)

To seek the Lord (Shora KUETU - 27/10/17)

Faith - Ivory Coast (Shora KUETU - 19/08/17)

Consult Yahweh - Savigny-le-Temple (Shora KUETU - 27/10/17)